Jamaica, as you would expect, have gloriously colourful and well designed notes featuring birds, people and places. The currency is dollars.
Below is our stock of Jamaican paper money / banknotes. Click on the Pick number for a scan.
Paul Bogle at left. Red-billed streamertail at centre. Group of 11 children on back. Attractive note.Commemorative note - Human Rights 1948-1973. TDLR. Arms at left. Signature: G. Arthur Brown. Prefix GT. Watermark: Pineapple
Sam Sharpe at left. Segmented security foil. Doctors Cave beach Montego Bay on back. Signature: D. Latibeaudiere.
Samuel Sharpe at left. Morning Glory flowers. Periwinkle flowers.Doctor's Cave Beach. Signature: D. Latibeaudiere. Printer: TDLR. Coat of Arms. Parrot birds in underprint.
Samuel Sharpe at left. Morning Glory flowers. Periwinkle flowers.Doctor's Cave Beach. Signature: Wynter. Printer: TDLR. Coat of Arms. Parrot birds in underprint.
Donald Sangster on face and as watermark with electrotype 100 & flower & cornerstones. Last prefix AUA. Dunn's River Waterfall. Printer TDLR & CO Ltd. Map note. Fruit.
Sir Donald Sangster at left and as watermark with electrotype 100, flower & cornerstones. School Children.Map of Jamaica. 50 years of Independence overprint.Jacaranta flowers. Hummingbird. Ackee fruit. Printer: Giesecke & Devrient. Signature:Wynter
NB: Image for identification, the serial number you receive may differ if I have more than one
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