SCWPM PNew100, TBB B548a 100,000 Livres Lebanese Banknote Uncirculated UNC (01/09/2020)

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SCWPM The Banknote Book Prefix / Suffix Denom Unit Year Grade Price Stock
Item Price Stock
PNew100, TBB B548a E000 100,000 livres 01/09/2020 UNC $ 57.15 In Stock
PNew100, TBB B548a E000 100,000 livres 01/09/2020 UNC $ 57.15 In Stock
Commemorative ~ 100th Anniversary of Greater Lebanon. Signatures: Mansouri & Salame. Cedar Tree. Saint-Jean de Jbeil Chruch. Clock Tower in Parliament Square. Beirut. Arches of Pigeon Rocks. Ship. No security thead. No Watermark. 147mm x 82mm. Guardian.
Tags: #commemorative #cedar#tree#church#ship#Guardian#Polymer (suggest tags)
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