> G > GREAT BRITAIN > Brixton Local currency

SCWPM PNIP1LEN 1 Pound British Banknote Very Fine / Extremely Fine VF/EF (2011)

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SCWPM The Banknote Book Prefix / Suffix Denom Unit Year Grade Price Stock
Item Price Stock
PNIP1LEN     1 pound 2011 VF/EF $ 6.35 In Stock
PNIP1LEN 1 pound 2011 VF/EF $ 6.35 In Stock
Brixton pound. Local currency. Features Len Garrison, one of the founders of the Black Cultural Archives. The back features public street art from Stockwell Skate Park. 
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9 security features, including micro-printing, watermarking, foil embossed features and holograms.

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